Ethereum for Enterprise

Etherprise is the only enterprise ready, Ethereum based blockchain.

Etherprise provides the privacy, security and performance that enterprise companies require in a blockchain.

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Etherprise is a programmable blockchain, ready for the enterprise, providing complete privacy, security and performance.


While Ethereum and most other public blockchains allow anyone to read all the data and to interact with a smart contract, Etherprise sits on the opposite end of the spectrum making all data private and only those who have been given explicit access can read data and interact.


Etherprise provides key management and role based access controls to smart contracts to give your company complete control over who can access what. With key management, you can create expiring keys and manually revoke keys to limit or take away access to a smart contract. Etherprise also keeps an audit log of all interactions.


Etherprise will provide much higher speeds than Ethereum today, even with all the privacy and security features. Etherprise is targeting 1000+ transactions per second on initial launch with plans to increase that another 10x over the following year.


The privacy and security features of Etherprise provide the opportunity to become HIPAA and GDPR compliant. Etherprise will be working hard to become the first compliant blockchain network.

Use Cases

Smart contracts on the blockchain enable a whole new world of business possibilities. You can literally write agreements between your company and other companies or customers in code.

Internal Systems

Payroll, stock vesting and sales commmissions are just a few of the many possibilities that Etherprise can enable for your enterprise.

Business to Business

Write contracts to coordinate with your partners. It's a safe and secure way to do business since code is the contract, and it's unalterable so you can ensure both sides are playing fair.

Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable

Send and recieve payments from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world.


December 2018

Beta TestNet Launch

Beta release for early integration testing, outside reviews and security audits.
February 2019

Beta MainNet Launch

MainNet live and available for public use. Privacy and encryption features complete.
April 2019

MainNet GA Release

Full featured mainnet with security and key management features complete. Ready for production usage.
May 2019

Etherprise Management Console Released

The Etherprise Management console available for public use.
June 2019

Interoperability with GoChain

Cross-chain smart contract integration for private/public hybrid use cases.

"Etherprise is doing exactly what is needed for enterprise customers to run an Ethereum based private blockchain. Enterprise customers demand better security and rights management and that didn't exist until now."

Jason Dekker, CEO

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